BISE Lahore Board 10th Class Date Sheet 2024

Update February 2024
Candidates preparing for the 10th class annual examination under the Lahore Board are advised to thoroughly examine the provided date sheet. It is essential for participants to note that, for the 2024 academic session, the Lahore Board has officially unveiled the Tentative Annual Date Sheet for 10th Class in January. To facilitate a smooth examination process, candidates must adhere to all instructions outlined by the Lahore Board. Here are key highlights for the students:

  • The Lahore Board released the 10th Class Date Sheet 2024 on January 08, 2024. As per the date sheet, the examinations are scheduled to commence from March 01, 2024.
  • Practical exams will follow the written examination in the schedule.
  • The Lahore Board will distribute exam roll number slips 10 to 12 days before the commencement of examinations.
  • Students can download their 10th Class Date Sheet 2024 Lahore Board using the provided link.
  • For ongoing updates on date sheets, please stay connected with our platform.
BISE Lahore Board 10th Class Date Sheet

10th Class Date Sheet 2024 Lahore Board

Part-ⅠⅠ (10th Class)Morning paper will start at 8:30 AMEvening paper will start at 1:30 PM
Exam DateDaySubjectsSubjects
1-3-2024FridayCivics First Group
Business Studies First Group
Clothing & Textile First Group
History of Pakistan Second Group
Computer Hardware Second Group
Poultry Farming Second Group
Food & Nutrition Second Group
2-3-2024SaturdayPunjabi First GroupPunjabi Second Group
English (Literature) Second Group
Urdu (Literature) Second Group
4-3-2024MondayEnglish (Compulsory) First GroupEnglish (Compulsory) Second Group
5-3-2024TuesdayArabic First Group
Geometrical & Technical Drawing First Group
Art & Model Design (Theory) Second Group
Wood Working Second Group
History (Islamic/Muslim) Second Group
Chemistry First Group
General Science First Group
Chemistry Second Group
General Science Second Group
7-3-2024ThursdayElements of Home Economics First Group
Electrical Wiring First Group
Elements of Home Economics Second Group
Environmental Studies Second Group
Military Science Second Group
8-3-2024FridayPhysics First Group
Advanced Islamic Studies (Elective) First Group
Al-Hadth First Group
Advanced Islamic Studies (Elective) Second Group
9-3-2024SaturdayIslamiyat (Compulsory) First GroupIslamiyat (Compulsory) Second Group
MondayGeneral Mathematics (Art Group) First Group
Mathematics (Science Group) First Group
General Mathematics (Art Group) Second Group
Mathematics (Science Group) Second Group
TuesdayPakistan Studies First GroupPakistan Studies Second Group
13-4-2024WednesdayEducation First Group
Al-Quran First Group
Repair & Maint or Domestic Ref Air Cond. And Deoser Coolar First Group
Education Second Group
Persian Second Group
Beautician Second Group
Biology First Group
Computre Science First Group
Biology Second Group
Computre Science Second Group
15-4-2024FridayTarjama-Tul-Quran-ul-Majeed (Compulsory) First GroupTarjama-Tul-Quran-ul-Majeed (Compulsory) Second Group
Ethics Second Group
Physiology & Hygine
Fish Farming
Dress Making & Fashion Desiginig
Health & Physical Education
Commercial Geography
Pakistan Studies (Compulsory) First GroupPakistan Studies (Compulsory) Second Group

Bise Lahore 10th Class Date Sheet for the Students of Science and Arts Group

Date sheet 2024 for 10th class is the same for arts and science groups. The students belonging to both groups has their examination schedule written under same date sheet. Since the number of enrollments in BISE Lahore Board increase every year. The competition level and merit for admissions in intermediate is also very high. The students must pay keen focus on their education so that they can get admissions in their desired college without obstruction.

The 10th classes students can print, download or view online their Lahore Board date sheets 2024 here. As per the latest information from the Lahore Board, there is change in the schedule of commencement of examinations. All the functions of 10th class annual examinations are expected to be held according to the announced schedule. However, if any change or delay happens you can visit our website for the update.

Lahore Board 10th Class Date Sheet

How to Prepare for 10th Class Exams

Utilize your remaining time before examinations ineffective preparations. Take guidance from past papers, model papers and 10th class examinations self-assessment schedules arranged in knowledgefetch. This last month before the commencement of examinations will have a strong impact on your annual results. You must do maximum revisions of your entire syllabus. Start revision according to date sheets schedule.

Considering the date sheets of previous years, usually, the subjects considered as most difficult have more holidays before its commencement. The date sheets of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th Classes of all BISE Boards of Pakistan are available at our site according to the schedule.


Q:1 When will the Lahore Board release the 10th class date sheet?
A: The Lahore Board typically releases the date sheet for the 10th class exams in 2024.

Q:2 How can I access the Lahore Board’s official website to check the date sheet?
A: You can visit the official Lahore Board website and navigate to the “Examinations” or “Downloads” section for the latest date sheet.

Q:3 Are there any changes in the exam schedule for the 10th class this year?
A: Any updates or changes to the exam schedule will be communicated through official channels, so regularly check the board’s website and official announcements.

Q:4 What subjects are included in the 10th class date sheet for Lahore Board?
A: The date sheet will specify the schedule for all subjects included in the 10th class curriculum, covering both compulsory and elective subjects.

Q:5 Can I download a printable version of the 10th class date sheet from the Lahore Board’s website?
A: Yes, the Lahore Board usually provides a downloadable and printable version of the date sheet on its official website.

Q:6 Is there any provision for re-scheduling of exams mentioned in the date sheet?
A: The Lahore Board will provide information on any re-scheduling or changes in the date sheet, if applicable, through official notifications.

Q:7 How can I subscribe to receive updates and notifications about the 10th class date sheet?
A: Stay informed by regularly visiting the official Lahore Board website or subscribing to their official newsletter or notification service.

Q:8 Are there any specific guidelines or instructions for students mentioned in the date sheet?
A: Yes, the date sheet usually includes important instructions and guidelines for students appearing in the 10th class exams. Make sure to read and follow them.

Q:9 What should I do if I find discrepancies or errors in the 10th class date sheet?
A: Contact the Lahore Board’s examination office immediately to report any discrepancies or errors in the date sheet.

Q:10 Is there a helpline or contact number provided by the Lahore Board for date sheet-related queries?
A: Yes, the Lahore Board typically provides a helpline or contact number for students to address any queries or concerns related to the date sheet. Check the official website for contact information.

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